TBP Insiders - How To Build A Relationship With A New Blogger

March 18, 2016

How To Build A Relationship With A New Blogger

With the population of bloggers growing by the day it can be a minefield for brands to know where to start when approaching the mass of eager fashion enthusiasts that awaits them. When taking those first steps to building a relationship with a blogger, big or small, it’s that initial contact that can often make or break a campaign and continued work with influencers. If you can build positive relationships from the off you can ensure trust in authenticity and strength in creation of posts about your brand going forward.

As part of our new blog segment ‘Insiders’ we’ll be interviewing a range of bloggers to get their point of view on the topics they know best. This post outlines what to consider during outreach and who better to give the insider-know than up and coming blogger Olivia Blankson of “Livinfashion”.

We took the opportunity to quiz Liv on her Do’s and Don’ts when contacting a newbie to the blogasphere.


Keeping an eye on early growth

I officially created 'Liv in Fashion' a few years ago but back then it was FAR from what it is now because I really wasn't hoping for anyone to read it except for those in my circle and myself for outfit/new purchase reference. In other words it was an utter mess and I wouldn't wish reading it upon anyone!!

I started to take things more seriously in the past year or so, when my Instagram began to pick up and I actually saw it as a professional endeavour.

Knowing what they blog about and why

I was constantly asked by those around me where I got my clothing and I also needed somewhere to archive my looks and put some reason behind all my incessant purchasing! I'd followed a few of the 'super bloggers' as a teen and wondered why I wasn't doing the same, considering my love for anything fashion and creative.

Already creating content for similar brands

I've collaborated with the likes of Hot!Mess, Boohoo, Miss Pap, InTheStyle, Zaful, Lyst, Mallzee and more recently, upcoming watch brands such as Klarf and Abbott Lyon.

Delivering individual and Consistent content

I don't think there's any particular way to stand out because everyone's an individual and brands are either going to love or hate what you do. I've always vowed to be true to myself, be consistent and hopefully produce clean, beautiful imagery.

How best to get in contact

This might be controversial but I've more recently been enjoying Insta DMs. Perhaps the modern age is catching up to me!

How to address a blogger

I would usually reply but it doesn't always mean I'd work with them (if they didn’t know my name). If they've done their research and I feel we'd be best of friends and a perfect fit, then I'm likely to go ahead with the collab. If they haven't yet learnt my name but I'm a fan of their beautiful product, then I can always teach them I guess.

Bloggers contacting brands

I'm yet to reach out to a brand and have always waited for their contact, for fear of looking needy or getting rejected. I tend to interact a lot with brands I would love to work with, but that's the most I'll do!

Adding a Personal Touch

That's my favourite! I know I said I'd reply to those who didn't know my name but when they reference my previous pictures or posts, it makes me all giddy!!


It's an honour to work with fabulous brands and the first time I got asked to be gifted something, I think I celebrated for about a week and I’m not afraid to say it! I'm also not against sponsoring and I really do think you can spot authenticity and a genuine passion a mile off. People gotta make a living!


Obviously, you're usually getting free stuff and I know people don't like to say it but COME ON, that's pretty amazing to have worked hard enough to get to that stage, isn't it?! I think the initial contact, when a brand is so eager to work with you and loves and appreciates what you do - that is the most special of all. It truly gives your work purpose.


It's as simple as not doing their research and the tone in their initial contact. The other week I was offered an article that would be really interesting to me and my readers' about plus sized bloggers struggling to find clothes. If they really liked my blog as much as they said they did, they'd have known that doesn't have much relation to me. It doesn't hurt to add in an extra personal touch too, even if the brand has only looked at your profile a few minutes before! Pushy-ness, high expectations for little reward and lack of research are likely to put me off.

So there you have it, the facts on forming and sustaining those relationships with a blogger from working with the right ones for your brand to cementing their content for the future.

Liv’s links:

Blog -http://www.livinfashion.co.uk

Instagram -https://www.instagram.com/livblankson/


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