TBP Insiders - Q+A With Rosalind Shimmen

Aug. 3, 2016

We sat down with Rosalind Shimmen, Founder of Digital PR Powerhouse Rosalind Shimmen Communications. A London based Digital PR Agency, which specializes in social media execution and connecting brands with Influencers. With some of the biggest bloggers on her books we wanted to find out what it takes to become a successful blogger from a PR perspective.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your PR Company for those who may not already know?

Rosalind Shimmen Communications is a Digital PR Agency specalising in social media management and connecting brands with bloggers and influencers.

We love your trademark RSfashionbunnies. What does it take for a blogger to become a RSfashionbunny?

The #rsfashionbunny family is made up of #GIRLBOSSES – Independent women who are passionate, creative and most importantly supportive of eachother.

Can you name us some of your favourite bloggers and explain why they are your favourites?

Georgia White (@georgwhite) for style, Melissa Holdbrook-Akposoe (@melissaswardrobe) for Snapchat, Sophie Hermann (@xxsophiehermannxx) for girl crushing and Confetti Crowd (@confetticrowd) for SASS.

What do you think is the best social media strategy for getting more visitors to a blog?

I would say by utilizing all forms of social media (Pushing your followers back to your blog for more details) collaborating with other bloggers and doing your own PR.


We are huge fans of your Instagram. Any social media tips?  

Aw that’s very kind of you, thank you. I actually now have two instagram profiles one for the company (@rshimmencomms) and one for myself (@rosalindshimmen) … I’m addicted!

I was once told “Don’t post anything online that you wouldn’t want plastered on a billboard with your face on it” – Which I think is so true.

Social media is a global platform; it gives people all over the world an insight into what makes you special, so make sure your content reflects this. The key to social media is giving people exclusive and beautiful content that they wouldn’t come across… unless they are following YOU!

My 3 key tips– Post original content, be consistent and engage with your followers.


From a PR perspective what are the do’s and don’ts for a blogger?



Your own PR

Ask (If you don’t ask you don’t get)

Share and promote your work, don’t be afraid to sing you own praises


Sell your soul

Be willing not to negotiate

Be afraid to show your goofy personality (Be relatable)

Give up (Most important.)




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